

Academic research paper was accepted

An academic paper described the research result conducted in FY2021, entitled "Quenching Distance of Premixed Propane/Air Mixture Flowing Comparatively Slow Velocity" (Authors: T.Imamura, J.Suematsu, H.Yanagi) was accepted to Journal of Japan Society for Safety Engineering (JSSE) via peer-review. The results of one year of meticulous and energetic graduation research have come to fruition.

The quenching distance is the minimum gap through which a flame can pass, and flames cannot pass through gaps smaller than this (applying this, flame arresters and other flame arresters have been developed). If the combustible gas is flowing at a low velocity, the quenching distance becomes even smaller (i.e., it can pass through a narrower gap), which increases the danger. This is a summary of whether it is possible to predict the flame extinction distance of gas. 

This research was carried out with the support of Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (21H01576, 18K04641). Some of the content that was carried out as graduation research in 2020 is also included.